eng - ita

Content and articolation

The phases of the awarding process will be the following:

  1. Identification of cases, through reports;
  2. Intermediate selections, through the Organizing Committee and the Jury;
  3. Assignments, through the Jury.

Two main awards will be assigned, one for the business world ad one for public institutions. The awards, at the discretion of the Jury, cmay be unified. Special mentions are provided.

The Jury will take into account:

  • particular contexts (territorial, period, scope of activity, category) in which the exercise of public and private functions - in compliance with the law - has been or is being particularly problematic;
  • the work of particular rigor and punctuality by the candidate / candidates.

The orientation of the Award will be particularly attentive to "informal groups", "widespread virtuous practices and "minor cases" not known to public opinion, also in order to convey the prospect of "widespread paths" in Italy. Building an context of exempla - even from the past - that deconstructs the perception of "single isolated acts" will allow to highlight "the many Giorgio Ambrosoli" who daily oversee the rule of law and legality.

The Award will not be in the "case of the year", but year after year will be enhanced meritorious events of both the past and the present.

During the year, the Award will promote study seminars, public meetings, conferences and collaborations with universities and other civil society organisations.

Particular attention will be given to the educational aspect: specific activities are envisaged for young people who have been able or intend to launch initiatives/implement practices of the culture of legality, in close connection with the world of schools and universities.

The period for the date of yearly delivery of the recognition was identified by the Promoting Committee between the end of February and the beginning of March, with reference to the date of 25 February 1975 in which Giorgio Ambrosoli wrote the letter to his wife Annalori.

The Award is placed in a perspective that goes beyond the national dimension, due to both the international location of the events of the liquidation of Banca Privata Italiana and Giorgio Ambrosoli's autograph reference to the Italian and European "homeland". In this sense, it aims to help facilitate the strengthening of shared standards for legality and the rule of law at inter- and supranational levels.

The setting for fundraising foresees, as a "general guideline", the search for a balance composed, indicatively, of:

  • one third of the funds coming from donations from individuals;
  • one third of the funds coming from institutional contributions;
  • one third of the funds coming from business associations and/or single companies.

If on the one hand the awards will be assigned in the whole national territory, on the other hand the Award aims to enhance the Ambrosian "connotation" and to underline the civic tradition of Milan, where Giorgio Ambrosoli was born, lived and worked.

(Extracts from the Project Document approved by the Promoters)